Colours in Chiaroscuro and Other Poems

by Keith Harris

  • Genre: Poerty
  • Published: 2005
  • Price: £6.00

Contents: Miscellaneous poems plus three longer sequences of linked poems entitled: Armoured to Anonymity, set in Arthur’s Celtic realm, the verses deal with a lonely rider’s attempts to combat darkness in the outer world and in himself. Cupid’s Anon, poems which seek to capture the moment of falling in love. And Colours in Chiaroscuro with poems where colour and whim result from tension between light and dark.

Extract from Colours in Chiaroscuro and Other Poems

Poems by Keith Harris from the book: Colours in Chiaroscuro

From the miscellaneous section:
Iron Wheels
Only fingertips
parted by plate-glass
kiss farewell –
iron wheels outpace her feet
iron wheels, iron wheels ...
a hand sighs in the wind
carriages blur into landscape
tears coalesce with Autumn rain.

From Armoured to Anonymity:
He gallops his pounding
stallion with pounding
heart to the clash
of lance on steel -
in defeat:
a pauper's clod of earth
and perhaps a poor maid's sigh,
in victory:
a slight dig of spur
flanks out his further flight
toward his further frays ...

From Cupid's Anon:
Whispers from the winds
winged faces hover
as our first smile
with remembrance.

From Colours in Chiaroscuro a poem with a title:
Of ways meandering
within mazes of appetite
where turns of eyes
and sweets upon the lips
or dainty sighs
and party wines in sips,
where pleasured snaps
spice up our girdling plays
- or as dripping taps
rap out the passing of todays.